Banja Luka Stock Exchange
Seize the opportunity to trade with financial instruments on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange with the lowest commissions, using eTrader and mTrader electronic trading platforms. You are provided with 24-hour access to all information regarding the real-time market situation, your portfolio, an overview of executed and unexecuted orders and more. Click for more information, here.
Sarajevo Stock Exchange
If you want to go a step further and try trading on the Belgrade, Zagreb or Ljubljana Stock Exchange, you can do so in a very simple and efficient way through a networked trading platform that connects these markets. You can find more about trading on regional stock exchanges here.
Regional market
If you want to go a step further and try trading on the Belgrade, Zagreb or Ljubljana Stock Exchange, you can do so in a very simple and efficient way through a networked trading platform that connects these markets. You can find more about trading on regional stock exchanges here.
Foreign market
If you want to join trading in the most famous and largest markets around the world, where it is possible to trade with financial instruments issued by the world`s largest brands, such as BMW, Volkswagen L`oreal, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and others, you can do so by opening an account for trading abroad. You can find the account opening procedure and many other useful information by clicking here.
Takeover of companies
Often wanting to enlarge your property and expand your business, you encounter unforeseen circumstances, we are here to do the takeover process for you.
Squeeze Out
The law provides the possibility of the minority shareholders squeeze-out iin case you are a controlling shareholder and have over 90% of the company`s ownership.
Our expert team will prepare an analysis of how to get to the "squeeze-out" position, as well as the implementation of the entire procedure.
Market conditions are often unpredictable. In the specific circumstances in which you may find yourself, we provide you with full support:
We know you are worth more. With a comprehensive and professional approach, we are restructuring your company with the aim of improving its market position, profitability and longevity.
In practice, there is often a need to reorganize the company. Our expert team will create a reorganization plan for your company, whether you decide to change the legal or status form.
Ukoliko imate višak sredstava i niste sigurni gdje da ih uložite i na koji način da trgujete, mi vam pružamo usluge upravljanja portfeljom.
Upravljanje portfeljom hartija od vrijednosti predstavlja individualno ulaganje klijenta na tržišta kapitala kroz lični portfelj pri čemu vašom imovinom upravlja naš iskusni tim.
Ulaganje u portfelj omogućava klijentima da iskoriste potencijale, kako tržišta Republike Srpske tako i svjetskih tržišta.
Osnovna karakteristika ulaganja u portfelje jeste da klijent povjerava svoju imovinu na upravljanje Brokersko – dilerskom društvu “Monet broker” a.d., tako da sve odluke o upravljanju (kupoprodaji hartija od vrijednosti) donose ovlaštene osobe s višegodišnjim iskustvom rada s hartijama od vrijednosti.
Pri kreiranju svakog portfelja, društvo “Monet broker” a.d. uzima u obzir sve preferencije i zahtjeve klijenta kako bi se postigla optimizacija strukture portfelja, a s ciljem postizanja što višeg prinosa uz poštovanje načela diverzifikacije i likvidnosti.
Na taj način klijentima se omogućava da, preuzimajući rizike svojstvene tržištu hartija od vrijednosti, postignu više prinose od klasičnih bankovnih proizvoda, uz individualni pristup u kreiranju portfelja.
Interes klijenta i brokersko – dilerskog društva je obostran s obzirom na to da Monet broker sudjeluje u dobiti, u skladu sa ugovorom i cjenovnikom.
Listing companies on the Stock Exchange
If you want to raise additional funds to improve your business and enable further growth of your company, entering the capital market through an initial public offering (listing on the stock exchange) is one of the possible solutions.
Issue of shares
Your company has outgrown the existing organizational structure, are you willing to share the responsibility of management? Recognize the benefits of corporate governance and the issue of shares.
Bond issue
Want to provide a more flexible way to borrow? By issuing debt securities, you determine the amount, interest and maturity on a discretionary basis.
Issue of commercial papers
Your company needs additional liquid assets in the short term. Provide them by issuing commercial papers on the capital market.
Multilateral compensation is a way of compensation, ie. offsetting liabilities and claims between participants who have reported their liabilities to the system, whereby participants do not have to be in a debtor-creditor relationship at the same time, but have claims and liabilities towards at least one of the participants in multilateral compensation. The system allows participants to compensate liabilities and claims, with the participants being all of the entities included in the budget system of Republic of Srpska: companies, banks, insurance companies, microcredit organizations, agencies, sports companies, entrepreneurs, agricultural entities and other legal entities which do business through bank accounts.
MLC is performed at least twice during the business year, based on the decision of the Government of Republic of Srpska. Participation for legal entities registered on the territory of the Federation of BiH can be provided on the basis of their own request, if they have an interest in it.